George S. Langan: Why Make Time to Travel?
George S. Langan is a student at Bowdoin College who’s earning
his Bachelor’s degree with a double major. He’s also a motivated scholar
athlete, an active volunteer and a member of the Bowdoin College Judicial Board,
and he says he loves to travel whenever he has the free time.
Often, top students like George S. Langan share a love of
travel, and there are some great reasons for this trend. A few of the many are
touched on below:
Your Stress
Travel gives you an opportunity to step away from the
normal responsibilities of your life. This reduces your stress, boosts your
happiness and can make you appreciate your home more when you return.
Your Perspective
Travelers like George S. Langan encounter unfamiliar
things every time they visit new locations, and it expands their perspectives.
When you travel, you’ll have new ideas, a better understanding of who you are
and a more open approach to things or people that are unfamiliar to you. And
this is no secret to hiring managers.
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